Smile At The World

How to Know It Is Time to Talk to Your Dentist About Dentures

If you still have some teeth in you mouth, you may not be sure as to whether it is really time to talk to your dentist about getting dentures. The thing is though, you do not have to wait until you are missing most of your teeth. Discover the various signs that may indicate that it is time to speak with your reputable dentist about the possibility of getting dentures. Read More 

The Problem With Teeth Grinding For Children

Has your child not been sleeping well at night? It's possible that they are unconsciously grinding their teeth while sleeping, a problem that can cause damage to their overall oral health. It happens when someone's jaw bone does not correctly line up, and it will cause their teeth to rub against each other. Having this problem resolved sooner rather than later can help prevent problems later on in life. Here is what you need to know about it. Read More 

2 Tips To Help Your Teen Reduce Swelling The Day After Their Orthognathic Operation

Since an orthognathic procedure is an invasive procedure, your teen will most likely experience some swelling once the operation is complete. The swelling is usually the worst within the first few days following surgery. The day after the orthognathic procedure, your teen may experience the most intense swelling and pain because the medication would have worn off. However, as your teen begins to heal the swelling should go down as well. Read More 

3 Ways To Get Your Child Excited About Getting Braces

If you have recently found out that your child is going to need braces and they aren't too excited about it, this can be very tough. You know that the braces are going to provide several great benefits for them and is going to be something that they will likely thank you for in the future; however, the key is to get them excited about getting them on now. Thankfully, there are a few different things that you can do to help get your child more used to and more excited about getting braces put on their teeth. Read More 

What Can Be Done When Food Consistently Gets Trapped Between 2 Teeth

If you consistently get food trapped between two teeth every time you eat, you have what is called a food trap. When you have a food trap, you probably reach for dental floss after each meal, and this can get annoying. If you are tired of having a food trap in your mouth, you may want to visit a dentist to find out what can be done about it. What causes food traps? Read More