
3 Edible Items That Promote Dental Health

There are many conventional ways to care for your teeth. Most people would not forgo routine brushing and flossing. However, there are also natural measures that you can take to protect your oral health. Some only require an item or two from your kitchen cupboard or refrigerator. Here are a few edible items that can be used to promote good dental health: Coconut Oil Coconut oil is often used as a base for homemade toothpaste. Read More 

The Importance Of Retainers After Braces

Getting braces can drastically improve the appearance of your teeth by positioning them in a nearly perfect line. The success of this type of orthodontic treatment is dependent upon proper care while the braces are in place as well as proper after care. If your orthodontist has fitted you with a retainer, wearing it properly will ensure the success of your overall orthodontic treatment. Here are a few things you need to know about wearing a retainer after braces. Read More 

Understanding The Different Types Of Braces

If you need to get braces, then you might have a few concerns about the process. To help ease your mind, here are some common questions and answers regarding braces, such as how they work and what the different kinds of braces are.  First of all, how do braces actually work? The general idea behind braces is gradual adjustments over a long period of time. In order to do this, an orthodontist uses small adjusters that are attached throughout the mouth. Read More 

2 Examples Of Cosmetic Dentistry To Consider Before Your Teen Goes To College

As your son or daughter begins filling out college applications, it is a good time to consider sending them off with their best face forward. A recent study established that nearly three out of four adults believe that a less than attractive smile hinders professional success. For college students who are already planning for summer jobs and internships, that can be terrifying. Therefore, preparing them for the next phase of their lives and young adulthood often includes the gift of cosmetic dentistry. Read More 

Selecting the Right Dental Braces for Your Child

Crooked or crowded teeth and misaligned bites are dental problems for which your family dentist may recommend braces to correct and improve your child's appearance. While there are several different kinds of braces available, a dentist or orthodontist can explain what kind of appliance is most appropriate for positioning your child's teeth. Bracket Types Traditional orthodontic treatment involves bonding brackets to the teeth. Arch wires are threaded through the brackets to guide each tooth into position. Read More