
Tips For Dealing With Medication-Induced Dry Mouth

Some medicines have xerostomia (dry mouth) as one of their side effects. A dry mouth condition increases your risk of developing dental problems, such as tooth decay and gum disease. Take the following measures to combat your medication-induced xerostomia: Use the Least Affected Dosage Some drugs don't have exact doses. For example, you may be advised to take a tablet two or three times a day depending on the severity of your symptoms. Read More 

Sensitive Teeth? 4 Things You Can Do To Stop The Pain

If you suffer daily with sensitive teeth, you're not alone. Approximately 1 out of every 8 adults have sensitive teeth. The cause of sensitive teeth is quite simple. Sensitivity occurs when tooth dentin, the soft tissue beneath the enamel, becomes more exposed to the elements of the mouth. Several factors can cause this to happen, including genetics, over-zealous brushing, periodontal disease, or tooth decay. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to treat tooth sensitivity. Read More 

Dentures And Dental Implants: A Primer

There is no definitive answer to the question, "What is better: dentures or dental implants?" The answer to this question largely depends on some contingent factors to the situation. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn of a few differences and facts between dentures and dental implants. It should help you with the decision making process. Other Teeth  Before making the plunge one way or another, take into consideration the teeth that you still have left in your mouth. Read More 

Tooth Trauma With A Badly Chipped Or Broken Tooth? Here’s What You Need To Do!

A badly chipped or broken tooth is something that may not be life-threatening, but it can make you pretty miserable anyway. Emergency dental care is essential when you suffer from tooth trauma like this, but what do you need to do until you can actually make it to the 24-hour dentist? Clean Yourself Up The first thing to do (after calling the dentist to tell them you're on the way) is to get the tooth and your whole mouth clean. Read More 

Two Types Of Mouth Rinses Your Cosmetic Dentist May Recommend

When visiting a cosmetic dentist for treatment, you may find that he or she recommends that you use a mouth rinse as part of your routine care. In some cases, the mouth rinse is temporarily used after oral surgery or during gum disease treatment. In other cases, it's recommended solely as a cosmetic addition that will help improve breath freshness and potentially reduce stains. Here's a look at the two primary types of mouth rinses that your dentist may recommend and what to look for in the one you use. Read More