Choosing Between Dental Crowns And Filling After Root Canal

Are you a candidate for root canal treatment? The treatment offers you the best way of saving your natural tooth to that it isn't replaced by an artificial one, but it can also weaken the tooth. This is why teeth that have undergone root canal treatment have to be restored and protected by either a dental crown or a dental filling. Here are three questions that will determine the direction your restoration takes after the root canal treatment:

Do You Need To Strengthen the Tooth?

In some cases, the dentist realizes the need to strengthen the teeth after a root canal treatment. This may be necessary if the tooth has a preexisting weakness or has been weakened by the root canal treatment process. For example, an existing weakness such as a fairly large cavity may make your tooth susceptible to damage if no strengthening measures are taken. The drilling of access cavity, which the dentist has to make to access the root of the teeth, can also weaken the teeth and necessitate a strengthening material. In most cases, a dental crown is better suited for strengthening potential weak teeth than dental filling.

How Much Is the Tooth Damaged?

A root canal treatment is not just a way of saving perfect teeth; it can also be used to save imperfect teeth that the dentist still believes is worth saving. For example, if a tooth has a moderate cavity and an infected tooth, it can be saved via a root canal and then restored with appropriate materials to avoid future damage prolong its longevity.

A dental crown is the best material for protecting teeth with extensive damage. However, you can make do with a filling if the damage is only minimal and you are only hedging your bets for a trouble-free future with the tooth.

What Is the Risk of Coronal Leakage?

Coronal leakage is a dental phenomenon where bacteria and other debris find a way to seep into a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment. As you can see, coronal leakage can undo the treatment done by a root canal treatment, so it needs to be prevented at all costs. If the dentists think the risk of coronal leakage is high, for example, if you have a history of dental infections, then it is advisable to use a dental crown since it covers the tooth and is better and preventing bacterial contamination.

Contact local dental services for more information and assistance. 
